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Ghosty Gamer YT

A member registered Jun 29, 2020

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A DEATH WISH - Horror Game By Kaleb Taylor . Watch the Gameplay for fun

Watch the Gameplay for fun

Watch the Gameplay for fun

Watch the gameplay for fun

Watch Gameplay for fun

I have many new ideas for your game development.Some are them are below

1. There should be cave like structure where we find coal and diamonds. Coal can be used for generators and diamonds for drilling purposes.

2. There be a water pond where we can use the water by filtration unit. The can water can also be pumped to the base using a pump unit via pipes.

3. There should be a new unit so it can be attached to the hover to dig or to created an artificial pond.

4. New material should be added like copper, quartz, titanium, etc. Quartz for making solar panels.

I feel happy if you like my ideas

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Watch The Shore Gameplay For Fun

(2 edits)

I have many new ideas for your game development.Some are them are below

1. There should be cave like structure where we find coal and diamonds. Coal can be used for generators and diamonds for drilling purposes.

2. There be a water pond where we can use the water by filtration unit. The can water can also be pumped to the base using a pump unit via pipes.

3. There should be a new unit so it can be attached to the hover to dig or to created an artificial pond.

4. New material should be added like copper, quartz, titanium, etc. Quartz for making solar panels.

I feel happy if you like my ideas

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MewnBase community · Created a new topic New Ideas For game
(1 edit)

I have many new ideas for your game development.Some are them are below

1. There should be cave like structure where we find coal and diamonds. Coal can be used for generators and diamonds for drilling purposes.

2. There be a water pond where we can use the water by filtration unit. The can water can also be pumped to the base using a pump unit via pipes.

3. There should be a new unit so it can be attached to the hover to dig or to created an artificial pond.

4. New material should be added like copper, quartz, titanium, etc. Quartz for making solar panels.

I feel happy if you like my ideas

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Watch the Gameplay for fun

Watch the linger gameplay for fun

Hey guy watch full walkthrough of samudra for fun

why there is no mouse interface